
IFT (Input File Tester) Project

This is IFT or Input File Tester.
It's a tool for testing, checking and validating data files.

Types of files:
- ASCII coded (text files)
- Delimited fields (*.csv) or Fixed size fields
Number of files:
- huge quantities (1000 - 100 000 files)
Size of file:
- huge size (1-10GB).
Technology used:
- Java
- NetBeans
- Multy-threads/parallelism
Running on OS:
- All that support Java
Level of verification of data:
- Check if text is number
- Range of numbers (from - to)
- Validation of dates
Formats and configuration:
- import/export of formats and configuration
- open/edit/save of formats and configuration
- load formats from Oracle DB tables/views with higly customizable SQLs